About Us
We design and build our packs right here in our shop along the shore and test them to the limit on the trails right in our backyard. Our packs are designed to last even when used hard. We really don't like putting stuff in land fills, so we overbuild everything we make. How many times have we all had a perfectly good pack rendered useless by a failed zipper? That's the reason we choose to use burly, time-tested materials. This means you can count on your packs and focus on other things like getting a little "sendy" on that fully loaded bike, stopping to watch those baby snapping turtles hatch, and getting to work on time.
To learn more about why we continue to make our packs here in Two Harbors, see the essay "Making Packs in the USA - reflections from the Cedaero workshop."
If you’re in the area, come hang out: grab a cup of coffee, swing by the bike shop, and talk shop with us, check out the ever-expanding trail networks, and explore our beautiful shores.